Wednesday 18 January 2012

Janus again

I almost didn't write this post. I started it a few times but couldn't see it through. It is, of course, about the change of the year, 2011 regenerating into 2012. It wasn't laziness that stopped me writing it, it was not wanting to be a smug bug.

Because, without being a smug bug, 2011 was incredible. And I didn't want to post a list of all the amazing things I'd done, and believe me - they were AMAZING. It felt too showing-offy for me to be able to cope with, and, coming from a consummate and professional show off, that's saying a lot.

So what changed?

I read a book.

Oh, of course I did. It's me, after all. Almost all of my life decisions happen because I read a book. When I was 20, I read a book which culminated in me doing a skydive. That's right, the girl who was afraid of heights and had never been in a plane before cheerfully chucked herself out at 12,000ft because a book made her feel like she'd missed something.

It was amazing. But that's books for you, they lead you in the right direction.

Today, I was having a lovely day. My fox handbag arrived (no - not a real one, I didn't staple a handle to a fox's back and asked it if I could keep my make-up in its belly), I had the house to myself. I watched some Sherlock, ate some toast, drank some tea. Then I nipped off to Waterstones to pick up my copy of 
The Fault in Our Stars. I'd planned to read it on the plane tomorrow, I'm a fan of John Green, he's a good writer.

Thought I'd read a preliminary chapter or two, set the cogs in motion...

I'm now, some 4 hours later, covered in snot and tears. I'm ravaged. I'm a broken mess. And more than anything, I can't wait to get on a plane tomorrow and see the people I love. And that's what changed. Because I read something that reminded me I had no right at all to be ashamed of my life. For any reason.

Thing is, I'm never going to be a princess or a hero. I'm never going to find a cure for a horrid disease, or be the first person to walk on a planet. I'm never going to start or end a war, or front a rock band, or win an Oscar. I'll never lead a country, or be a martyr. History will not make a note of my name. I'm just going to live my silly, average one-in-seven-billion life.

And I'm more than fine with it. In fact, that's perfect.

I won't tell you what happens in The Fault in Our Stars, because I think you should read it. I think sometimes it's too easy to get caught up in the minutiae of life, all the 'she said so then I' stuff. And you forget that the clock is ticking and the world is bigger and stranger than you thought. And then you read a book like this and it's like being slapped in the face by an iceberg. Suddenly, the fog lifts and nasty, scary, ugly, beautiful, impossible life rears its head and gives you a short, sharp reminder that this is all fleeting. You're running out of time. And every second that passes is a second lost.  So you have to live, while and where you can. Because I might not be famous, or rich, or special. But by God, I know how to live.

And so, with no sense of shame, or embarrassment, I give you a tiny fraction of my amazing 2011:

  • Florida, AGAIN, for Deathly Hallows pt 2 - a cinema full of fans, a themepark and butterbeer, Disney World and 8 days with the very best people I know
  • Nykoping and Stockholm with James. GAMLA STAN!
  • Ireland, many, many times - hot chocolate and moustaches and Mexican food and cake and tea and singing and Disney and Downton Abbey and dresses.
  • Goteborg - Universeum, breaking into a beach, SEEING A MOOSE, eating a moose, Wizard rock and that amazing, amazing restaurant.
  • Being in a film. IN A FILM. As a zombie. 
  • Macclesfield: Wuthuring Heights, Radiohead, pool and Bo:Rap
  • Partying with Neil, Fran and co
  • Making so many wonderful new friends, Jules, Zach, Orla and so many others who I would function less ably without
  • Christmas with Jules and lighting my first lantern
  • Starting my own jewellery making business
  • Throwing a party on Platform 9 3/4
  • Going to the V&A, then dinner, then The King's Speech with my darling ones
  • The Labyrinth Masquerade Ball
  • Cuddle O'Clock in Lemur Town
  • Pregnancy by sex-rock
  • Post from Alan Rickman
  • My Christmas present from Jules, via Ali Shaw
  • ComicCon and spending the day with an Australian nutjob whom I adore.
  • Becoming an Internet nerd-modelling pin-up sensation for 2 whole days
  • Digging for dinosaurs and then catching a film... THE film
  • Having it large in Stoke with G
  • Staying at K-Robs and spending 3 straight days watching period dramas
  • Seeing Iron and Wine again
  • Oxford, Tolkien and The Eagle and Child
  • Bad Taxidermy
  • Hummingbird bakery
  • Your Highness and milkshakes with Caitlin and Asma
  • Winter Wonderland and Harrods
  • Winning a knitted Dobby and a poster from WB
  • Chinatown and a spontaneous sleepover 
  • Cockpit invasions and being pleasantly surprised at how ace Easyjet are
  • Marmaduke the Narwhal
  • Reading The Night Circus
  • 2.8 Hours later and almost surviving the zombie apocalypse
I'm sure I've forgotten stuff. But you get the gist.

Just live, ok? Please. Go and live. Hard as you can.

Here's to 2012. I know I say it every year, but I've not been wrong so far.

I think this is going to be the best yet.


  1. Gosh! Your 2011 sounds so exciting! I'm a bit jealous - you have so many adventures!

    And I think Dumbledore said it best: "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." :)

  2. Here's to 2012 indeed. The adventures are already happening.
