Tuesday 23 August 2011

Pottermore aka WaitCon2011

I haven't updated in two months. Mostly because I'm lazy. And so here I am... blogging.

But I'm not going to tell you about the AMAZING time I had in Florida (though I will do soon) And I'm not going to tell you about being in a Harry Potter Poster, or being a model, or any of the numerous and wonderful things that have happened.

Instead I'm going to rant at you about Pottermore.

Pottermore is stressing me out. Genuinely. It's the kind of stress that's normally associated with exam results. You know, you think you've done all the groundwork, Merlin knows you stayed up all night to get it right and you couldn't have tried any harder. But suddenly it's out of your hands... Firstly... an announcement was made saying something new was coming and we'd have to solve clues to find out what it was. Naturally, we're Harry Potter fans. It took all of an hour for people to realise the letters on the map either spelled MOREPOTTER or POTTERMORE. A quick search of registered patents revealed Warner Bros has taken one out on the site Pottermore. So we waited for an official announcement to come.

After 5 days of watching a YouTube channel fill progressively with owls, we had our announcement. Pottermore was coming. It would be a website in which we would track through the books alongside Harry and the gang, from Sorting all the way through to The Battle of Hogwarts, and to top it off, new content revealing background info on all our favourite characters. All we had to do was register our interest...

It took me thirteen and a half hours to sign up my email address.

The site was insanely busy and crashed repeatedly. And then we discovered that this process was a little meaningless and we'd have to ACTUALLY sign up by solving clues. So we waited, with some people sitting up all night on Day One to get to solve the clue. At 9.15am, Mikey texted me with the single word 'POTTERMORE'. I leapt on my computer and got myself in. We then set up a cats-cradle on Twitter to make sure all of our friends were in too. We did it. And then we waited...

The screen changed:

We were going to be amongst the first allowed in! Rejoice!

Then we waited some more... mid August, they said. Mid-August came... and we were sent a 'Congratulations' email.... confirming we would definitely be allowed in some time between mid-August and the end of September. So... back to waiting.
The news began to trickle in that people were being allowed in. Suddenly, my Facebook feed is filled with people listing their wands, the houses they'd been sorted into, the cauldrons they had melted trying to make potions to earn House Points.


And it's driving me nuts. Honestly, it's horrible. I'm not having any fun. It's making me anxious. I was already anxious enough about sorting but the waiting is horrendous. I'm constantly trapped in this maelstrom of fear. What if they forget me? What if they've accidentally deleted my email address? What if they don't let me in until the day before it opens to the public? It's the kind of neurotic behaviour I normally associate with first dates. Constant, low-level panic and feelings of failure and inadequacy. I'm almost surgically attached to my computer and phone, my F5 key is considering taking out an injunction against me. I wake up in the night, heart pounding, scrambling for my phone. We went out on a nice day-trip to Brum last week and all four of us spent an obscene amount of time checking our emails every half an hour. Like we could do anything (We'd have gone to an Internet Cafe, make no mistake).

And it's only going to get worse. SORTING. I know Ravenclaws who've ended up in Slytherin, Slytherins who've been sorted into Griffindor, Griffindors that found themselves in Hufflepuff. So even if/when I do get in,
I have to go through the Wizarding Spanish Inquisition to find out how well I think I know myself. The tumultuous pressure of living in this limbo is making me batshit. I AM NOTHING. I AM NO-ONE. I AM A GHOST

I don’t understand what I did wrong
You haven’t done anything wrong, sweetie
Why me? Why am I not in? Am I not a big enough Harry Potter fan?
You’ll just have to be patient. It’ll happen in time.
But I did everything right. I didn’t do multiple registrations. I was there, Day One. I was in. Hell, I even made sure all my friends were in too. Does that mean NOTHING to these people? Karmically, I’m owed a shit load. Where is my payback?
Good things come to those who wait…

1 comment:

  1. Mel...I am in the same boat with you Why couldn't they have done it in order. The people who answered the question on the first day would receive their owl within the first week, second day=second week, and as follows. I don't know what they are playing at over at the Pottermore website but they suck!!!
