Tuesday 28 June 2011

The Night DJ

I suck. Today ought to be Day 28 of The 30 Day Harry Potter Challenge and I stalled at Day 4. Slack, Mel. To make up for it, I'm probably going to do the whole list with less detail in one post on the 30th. Bet you're excited about that.

I also need to tell you about my recent adventures in Middle Earth and Westeros... This will come in the future too. But today, I want to introduce you to my friend, the Night DJ.

The Night DJ is a chap that lives in my head who plays the music I'm going to listen to as I fall asleep. Except as soon as I realise he's spinning his tunes, he turns them off and I wake up fully. As I fall asleep, every night, I get to hear songs as long as I don't concentrate on them. He always chooses the songs. Sometimes they are songs I know, other times not. Sometimes I wonder if they are songs from the future or songs that he's written himself. But he plays for me every night. Sometimes he goes a bit VJ and I get to see images. Last night, I got to see myself with white hair and blood pouring from my mouth.
Imagine this but with white hair and not as happy about it...
Ok... that doesn't work...
Imagine *this* with white hair and a huge gaping maw gushing forth a fountain of viscous blood.
So cheers for that, Night DJ. Sometimes he just shows me flashing lights, or a mini-slideshow of the day. But he always gives me the music.

I like the Night DJ a lot. And I think despite his shyness, he likes me too.

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